Materialise Magics "Perfarator" tool


I want to make a hole, but the surface is uneven. So the hole is covered by the model. Is it possible to extrude this “Perforator” tool? Maybe you will understand more from the picture.

Thank in advance

And I can’t put more images than one (“Sorry, new users can only put one image in a post.”).


Hi Giedrius,

It looks like there’s an issue in your 3D model - the inside surface protrudes out of the outside mesh. That’s a design error and the model can’t be produced like that.

Try doing this:

  1. Select the whole inside surface
  2. Separate the selection into a part using “Separate market” operation
  3. Scale down the new part so that it no longer protrudes
  4. Combine both parts back into one using “Merge Parts” or the Boolean tool
  5. Then use the perforator tool to add a hole


thank you for information.

The model was solid, and I made it hollow, with hollowing tool (there is no inside surface protrudes out of the outside mesh). Here you can download a file. I cut it to simplify. Please try to make hollow (2 mm walls) and ten make a hole (not in cut part). I just show you transparent image maybe that’s why it looks like inside surface protrudes… Attaching not trnasparent img.


Thank you

Hi Giedrius,

OK, got it. Maybe it’s because the diameter of the hole is a bit too large for the selected surface. I’ve managed to add 10 mm holes on the two ends of the vessel.

I can’t send you back the prepared file, but you can see its preview and order a 3D print using this link:

Hi Dmitriy,

I got “The model was not found.” when I use link.

About the surface (it’s hard to explain in english for me, but I’ll try). As I understand, the perforator tool has “thickness”. I mean not how deep it goes, but there is “distance” from the model surface and the end of the parfarator, this green hole, that you can see in img. I don’t know what the distance is, but let’s say that one millimeter. And if the surface is uneven, and as I understand it, it counts from the center (I’m talking about this 1mm), if the edges have more than one millimeter, then the perfector tool simply don’t go through. That’s why I ask is it posible to extrude this parfarator tool? Make for e.g. not 1mm, but 2 or 5mm.
Just look again at that picture that is transparent. You will see that the edges of the surface are taller, and the perforator of the length of the tool is not enough to remove the entire surface. As I mentioned, it’s probably due to the fact that this tool counts the thickness of its wall from the center.
I’m sorry for my English.

Thank you

I made more images from a different angle. Check the information.


Look at the same picture in translucent.
