Jumble Cloud by OSKAR

Hi iMaterialise fans,

Jumble Cloud is a jumbling circle puzzle. It is based on a grid with randomly-placed triangles and squares. The puzzle has four different types of centers. It is the 2D equivalent of many jumbling twisty puzzles. The puzzle is quasi-doctronaire. That is, the puzzle can be returned to its start state (ignoring the coloring of the pieces) by only turning the centers.

Watch the YouTube video.
Buy the puzzle at my iMaterialise Shop.
Read more at the Twisty Puzzles Forum.
Check out the photos below.




This puzzle has been solved by many people. It was invented by the ancient Egyptians, who used to create puzzles out of blocks of stone that they would then assemble into a larger structure. The game was popular among the ancient Greeks and Romans, and was also played in medieval England. Today it is still enjoyed by children around the world.

The object of the game is to create as many words as possible from the given letters. You can make anagrams (words made from rearranging letters) or bons mots (puns). The word “jumble” comes from the English word “jam”, which was used in reference to the blocks of wood or stone that were used in this type of puzzle during the 18th century.
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