IMC212144 Only Received 1 Part From Kit

My Print is looking nice but I only received the backplate. I ordered it 3 times, so I got 3 backplates. The kit has 8 parts and therefore I am unable to finish my build. Could someone contact me to resolve this issue?

Hello Felix,

Thank you for informing us about the situation and I immediately checked to see what could have happened here.

The explanation was found very quickly. You uploaded a zip.file and it was indeed a kit. Also, this kit consisted of 11 different STL files that you uploaded in one zip.file. However, if you check out our guidelines, you will see that in order to print so-called “grouped models” (a 3D model made up of several parts), the individual parts must be linked together and uploaded in one file.

Since our software is not equipped for this, only the first .stl file was adopted and that resulted in the back plate that you received.

So if you want a solution, I recommend you upload the remaining parts attached to each other in one .stl file and or to upload them separately and reorder the missing parts. Read more about how you can connect the parts here:

Kind regards Lizy