Buying from i-materialise

Good morning,
1)I’ve got a question I think I created something incredibly nice so I would like to buy it from you, is it possible?
2)If I buy it will it be full (will it be all of steel inside and outside) or it will be empty (outside steel and inside air)
Thanks for the attention and goodbye


We will print the model based on the design you provide. Feel free to upload your file here:

If the model is hollowed - it will be printed hollowed unless certain issues are detected that can influence the success of printing. Before producing your model - you will be contacted and informed about concerns if faced.

When designing the model hollowed please make sure there is an outlet hole in order not to have an encapsulated void.

Customer Support Team

Can we use it with our blackpods to listen the music? Buy it here if you want blackpods.