3D-Color printing of .gltf files

Hello, can you color-print .gltf files with the .bin and the.png file? If yes, wehre can I upload the files?
Thank you!

Hello Michael,

You can check on how to upload colored files in our FAQ : https://imaterialise.helpjuice.com/using-imaterialise/supported-3d-file-formats?from_search=52835746

.gltf is currently an unsupported format but I assume you are able to convert it to a supported one ?

kind regards,

Hello, thank you.
Yes, I was able to convert the .gltf with the 3D-Builder from Microsoft into the .3mf format.
3D-Builder: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/3d-builder/9wzdncrfj3t6?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Great !
You also should have a direct connection to our site from 3dbuilder or print 3D or you can just download the .3mf from 3D builder and upload it to i.materialise.com

Kind Regards,