Featured Friday: silver rings and cute egg cups
Happy Friday everyone! It’s time to feature some of our latest designs.
John Allwine created this beautiful silver ring. He 3D printed it in gloss, then used bleach and polished his design to give the crevices a darker color. Meet Mr Coco! A beautiful ceramics Egg Cup by Jean Francois Roulon.
Designer hoos made a nice ring design in high gloss silver with an interesting message: “The inside of the ring is formed by the following phrases: “I ALWAYS WANT MORE” and “I SHUT OUT MISERY”. The first represents our constant pursuit of things that we think we need to feel good. The second illustrates our habit of pushing away everything we perceive as unpleasant. This narrow and ego-centric view often is the cause of our unhappiness and cuts us off from the world around us. The outside of the ring shows how we all have the choice to take a wider, more open perspective.”
Enjoy the weekend y’all! And don’t forget to put your own designs in the gallery.
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