This Set contains: 4x Cosmo Coins*
*These Game Miniatures are made available for Early Adopters whom want to Play/Test the Minis on Maps before the public release; Giving these pre-production prototypes a boosted Collectible Value you might not want to miss out on? All proceeds go to further #GameDevelopment of StarArena_Games.
Wanna know more? Jump to Patreon.com/StarArena for the back story of the project.
'Para Bellum!'
Star Arena Games

PJay_BabyAngel_Frith is creating The StarArena, A Cyber-Combat Card and Boardgame, For All Rages! GoTo: Patreon.com/StarArena for the Full-Story! The Game-Miniatures are compatible with all StarArena_Game-Variants.