Looking for a good 3D modeler? Find one on our Forum!

You have some great ideas in your head to 3D print, but you don’t know how to design in 3D? No problem, with our 3D modeling service on the forum you can easily find a qualified 3D modeler.

Now that 3D printing is getting bigger and becoming mainstream, more and more people want to design 3D printable objects. Of course, not everyone has the set of skills to do that. So we reserved a special place on the forum with a list of qualified designers to help you out. Check out the 3D modeler service to find a 3D modeler yourself. We already checked 2 designers and put their services online.

Are you a designer yourself that wants to offer your services? Check out our application form and fill it in. We will check your portfolio and 3D modeling skills before you can become a listed designer like Dot San or Visualize-to.

Note that i.materialise is not liable for any transactions taking place between users. Therefor we won’t have a ranking system for listed designers. In case of complaints, a designer will be removed from the list.