Happy Independence Day from our US Ambassador Becky
Happy Independence Day everyone! The 4th of July is such an important day in our American History. For me July 4th has always stood for 3 F’s: Flags, Freedom and Fireworks.
For Americans, it’s the day to celebrate the formation of our country while standing in our front yards, talking to neighbors while the kids play, until it’s time to shoot off fireworks. And why do we crazy Americans do all of this? Freedom. It’s about stopping, giving thanks for all those years ago when we said goodbye to the British and formed our own country. It’s about being grateful to our servicemen and women who fought for freedom.
But when I see “the red, white and blue” as we sometimes refer to the US Flag, it reminds me to be thankful. Grateful that I can choose to live just about anywhere I want in the States. (Which is why I chose beautiful, sunny Southern California. As if that needs further explanation.)
And when I look at 3D prining, I see freedom, too. There are new things to be done with 3D printing — things that have never been done before. We don’t have to rely on the old way of doing things. The old constraints. The old boxes. The old rules.
With 3D printing, items are being created that would be impossible any other way, like the constructions bracelet from Maaike van der Horn or the Merry Birds from Michiel Cornelissen.. Impossible until now. And what’s more freeing than making the impossible suddenly — almost miraculously — possible?
I cannot wait to see where 3D printing heads in the next several years. What new materials will be available. What fashion designers like Iris van Herpen will do with it. What home designers and decorators and architects will do with it. What people like you and me will do with it.
It’s going to be amazing.
So tell us, does 3D printing symbolize freedom to you? If so, in what ways?
Don’t forget that you still have until tomorrow, July 5th, to order your free red and blue dyed polyamide finishes! And while you’re at it, take advantage of cheaper US shipping prices, too!
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