Getting started

The i.materialise 3D printing APIs are the perfect solution if you:

  • Want to build/expand a business by using our +25 years of 3D printing know-how;
  • Have an app or website that relates to 3D printing for end consumers;
  • Have some knowledge on using web services or you know someone that masters it.

Our aim is to offer as much functionality from our website as possible through the API.


Start by registering and activating your account on the i.materialise website. Sign up here. It’s free.

Most APIs require an API Code and a tool ID which need to be connected to a registered i.materialise account.

  • API Code: A code to identify your website or application. An example of an API code is:


    Please note that this API code is not valid; it’s just an example to show you the syntax.

  • Tool ID: The Tool ID is used to tag models coming from your website or application.


Submit a request to get an API Code and a tool ID. They will be provided after verifying your business needs. Once you receive them, you can start using our API’s.

Submit request